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foodzings: Applebee's... Seriously?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Applebee's... Seriously?

After our fine meal at Vietnam, we walked fairly aimlessly towards center city. It turned out to be quite a nice night so none of us minded. As a joke, I said we should go to Applebee's to get some girley drinks. O agreed. I pass by the center city Applebee's all the time. I always threaten that if we can't decide on a place to eat, we'll just go to Applebee's. I'm kidding, of course. On a night that was bound to be filled with shenanigans, what would be more fun than getting a big ass girley drink at the Applebee's bar? Behold my white peach sangria. This thing was big and this thing was pretty tasty. O got a kiwi strawberry sangria, and his was a thousand times more sweet than mine, and you could barely taste the booze.

I still have never eaten at Applebee's, but now I can say that I've drank there. It was fun. Our bartender turned out to be quite salty and amusing, and he probably knew that we were kind of in there as a joke. I always wondered what makes someone want to eat at Applebee's when there are literally hundreds of other options available in Philadelphia. The crowd at Applebee's on that friday night was quite a random mix. It's still a mystery.

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