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foodzings: Eating While Travelling

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Eating While Travelling

I had a layover in Denver and I almost got stuck there. I was so close to being very depressed about this. Luckily, the mechanics saved the day and we did end up taking off. Before we did, I had plenty of time to eat. Way too much time actually. They actually have a decent array of food options at the Denver airport, and I ended up going to this itza wrap! itza bowl! place and got a teriyaki bowl. It was brown rice with some steamed veggies and chicken with some sauce poured over it. Pretty simple really. It wasn't bad. It wasn't that great either. The rice and veggies and sauce were fine, but the chicken was blah. Again, similar to my Boston's chicken that was in my salad, this chicken was really blah. It seemed boiled again. It would have been so great if it had actually been grilled with some teriyaki sauce. While I was there, I also got a fruit cup to go. I got to enjoy this on my flight home. This was a surprisingly good fruit cup. Everything was ripe and fresh. The coolest thing about it was that the cup the actual fruit came in, it was made from corn! Ok, so I couldn't eat the cup, but because it was made from corn, it was biodegradable and compostable. Cool, huh? I thought so. I also started reading Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat Pray Love. Yeah, I know, I'm super late on reading this best seller, but it's better late than never. The book is very entertaining, especially the first third which is dedicated to her time in Italy, where pretty much all she did was stuff her face. Sounds like a dream!

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