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foodzings: Heart Of The City Farmers Market

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Heart Of The City Farmers Market

After dropping off my rental car, I roamed the civic center area before watching a show at the orpheum. I kept seeing people with shopping bags of produce so I figured there was a big grocery store around. Then I came upon this farmers market. Yes, it is smack dab in the heart of the city.
A variety of green squash type things and eggplant and such. You know, veggies.Potatoes of all colors!
And fruit too, here we have persimmons. I've never seen persimmons in a farmers market before. It's hard finding these in grocery stores even!
They have normal fruit too, like berries, berries, and more berries.
A table full of grapes! And a smiley posing vendor!
Cage free eggs!
Seafood too. Although I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to pick up fish at a farmers market. Am I that trusting?
And flowers too!
Along with the farmers market, there were tons of food carts. What a lovely thing to have in the middle of a busy city!

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At November 10, 2009 at 6:14 PM , Anonymous Kate said...

I'm glad you found the Civic Center Market -- It's one of my favorites!

Enjoyed meeting you Saturday night -- and hope to see you again next year.


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