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foodzings: Supper Snacks

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Supper Snacks

Got to attend another yelp event earlier this week. It was held at Supper, and my only previous experience at Supper was for their deviled egg event. This event had a fall theme so they even had some hard apple cider (spiked with tequila of all things), regular margaritas (which aren't fall themed at all) and some various beers. This was the strongest and harshest margarita I've ever tasted. And not in a good way.
There was really barely any food, to all our stomachs' disappointments. What they did have was teeny tiny spinach fritattas. These were actually excellent. But you know, practically thumbnail sized. And there just weren't enough of them or enough rounds of them to go around.
The only other food they had were these teeny tiny crab cakes. Theses were probably the best crab cakes I've ever had. I don't know much about crab cakes, but these were super creamy and not chunky. I know lots of crab cake have hunks of veggies and stuff in it, but these were nice and smooth. Love, love, loved these! Just wished I could have had more of them since they were so petite! I still haven't had a real meal at Supper yet, but judging by these crab cakes, I just might have to!

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