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foodzings: Chef Donald, grillin' machine

Monday, June 11, 2007

Chef Donald, grillin' machine

The ice cream truck has been coming around lately, and he stops in front of our building every few days. It's been hot as heck lately, so it's nice. He doesn't play the music though, which is a bummer. I had a big bomb pop that day. It's one of my favorites. The truck is manned by a sweet old white haired guy who speaks with a funny accent.

Chef Donald graced us with chicken last Friday. The first Friday he was here, he had two helpers. This time, he was on his own. But once again, he was well armed with garlic and onions and a bevvy of spices. I saw a big jug of wine this time too. Who the hell knows what he does with the meat of the week and the veggies and mystery spices? All I know is it's damn good. The man cooks for well over 100 people on one not that big grill, and it's cooked well, not overdone, not dry. How does he do it? I guess it's just because he's a pro.


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