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foodzings: Food Shopping In Dublin

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Food Shopping In Dublin

What's food shopping like in Dublin? I set to find out. There are little convenience type stores all over the place. Like this SPAR. I think they're open pretty much all the time.
Or this Centra. These convenience stores all carry staple groceries, as well as lots of prepared foods.
But let's explore this proper grocery store called Superquinn. If you look real hard, you can see the "Cheesemonger" sign!
The Irish love their sparkling waters.
In Ireland, Uncle Ben makes asian sauces. Does he do this in the US? No idea.
These strawberries look amazing. Strawberries in the US look gross compared to these adorable little beauties.
It is Ireland people... there are plenty of potatoes to be found.
Here's some bread just sitting around. This would never happen in the US.
Some pies just sitting around too, without covers. Again, you would never see this at home.
Brown sauce! You know it's the UK now!
These eggs are just sitting on a shelf. And not refrigerated. Again, you never see this in the states. Food prices aren't too crazy here. But you have to remember it's the Euro. It's the restaurants that tend to be on the expensive side. And oh, you have to pay for bags.

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